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The Best Tool to Buy a New Guitar is a Blindfold
Getting the best instrument for you means being able to disregard brand, model and colour at the outset Here’s how.

What is True Temperament?
This time I explain what the True Temperament fretting system is and why you might want to consider it

Buying a Guitar or Bass for a New Player
In this article I have put together some guidance on buying a first guitar or bass and related accessories for the new musician, and age does not matter.

Goodbye old friend
I’ve lost a distant friend and it’s distracting me from my usual work. Read the story and listen to the record. You owe it to yourself.

MAP and Embargos
Understanding what MAP is and how it impacts you and your preferred shop is useful. So is understanding the reality of the embargo process, so that’s what we are going to talk about this time.

End of a Summertime Dream
It’s the day after the passing of one of Canada’s greatest musical poets, the wonderful Gordon Lightfoot and I was surprised by how hard his passing has hit me.

Thoughts on NAMM 2023
In this article I share my thoughts on what happened, and didn’t happen at what could be the last spring NAMM

Did Waves Just Shoot Themselves in the Head?
Waves went full subscription without any notice and existing customers are furious.
Waves has agreed to restore the perpetual license model in addition to the new subscription model, providing customers a choice.

My Esquire Project
In this article I talk about achieving my goal of creating a Fender Esquire, using an MIJ Telecaster as the starting point

An Inconvenient Surprise
I’ve been missing for a couple of weeks, sorry about that. The fact is, I got really really sick and without the fine people at Southlake Health Centre, you would not be reading this. However, you are, so let’s make it march.

Acoustic Jumbos - Some Thoughts
Acoustics come in many shapes and sizes. I find that jumbos are often unappreciated so I ask that you read along to be sure that you are not missing something wonderful

Pedal Order for Beginners
This article provides what you need to know about pedal power, board setup and pedal order to be off to a fast start to joy using effects pedals

Ever Consider a Nylon String?
As guitarists most of us think of a primary guitar type first, typically electric steel string or acoustic steel string, but what about a nylon string?

A Good One
Sometimes we find a really good one. This article is the story of my now old R7 Les Paul Custom Black Beauty

The FRFR Speaker
While the text bunnies will tell you that FRFR stands for “for real for real” which is both repetitive and bad grammar, in the context of musicians and gear it stands for Full Range Flat Response.