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I Was Using It Wrong. The Origin Effects MAGMA57
Using the MAGMA57 as an amp in a box instead of using it as a pedal into a guitar amp has been a game changer for me. Now I have the sound of a Magnatone amplifier without the demands of dollar and space. Is it exact? It’s more than great from my perspective.

The Best Desktop Amp/Cab Box? The DSM & Humboldt Simplifier X
Is the DSM&Humboldt Simplifier X the best desktop amp/cab sim box available at the moment? I think that it is, so join e to find out why.

Review : VegaTrem VT2 Vibrato and More…
While this is predominantly the review for the wonderful VegaTrem VT-2, I take readers through all the steps I did in this upgrade to enhance the overall guitar and thereby reap the benefits of this incredible vibrato system

Review : Vega*Trem VT1
In this article, I take readers through the thought process and steps to replace and American Standard Fender Stratocaster bridge with a Vega Tree VT-1

The Micawber Project
In this article I go through the process of creating my own version of Keith Richards’ Micawber

Fuzz for Players Who Hate Fuzz
Finally a fuzz pedal for players who hate fuzz. This is seriously awesome guys and if regular fuzzes bug you, this one could be a game changer for you

Rotary Speaker (Leslie) - A Favourite Effect
Leslie or Rotary pedals are one of my favourite effects. Let’s look at some options