Sometimes a story or an idea is best vocalized
This podcast is available for download here, and is also on iTunes, Amazon Music, Spotify and Google Podcasts

Ep 142 : Understanding Reverb Options
Welcome to the episode. I want to dive into reverb this episode. What is it, what are the different types, how do we achieve it and what do you look for in choosing the reverb option that is right for you?

Ep 141 : Does Country of Manufacture Matter?
This is a pretty common topic, so I did my research and you may find what I learned surprising. Please become a Patron on Patreon to support my work.

Ep 140 : Modulate This
In this episode I explore the different types of modulation effects that we find in pedals for live play and for recording and in plugins to use in the studio. Please become a patron on Patreon to support my work. Your small monthly donation matters a great deal.

Ep 139 : Amp Sims, Impulse Responses and Pedals for Both
About a year ago, I did an episode on Impulse Response systems. Time has passed, they have become even more prevalent and a lack of clear information has created a fog of confusion around IRs, Amp Sims and pedals that do both to directly feed a PA without any actual guitar or bass amplifiers involved. So that’s what this episode is all about.

Ep 138 : Delay in Depth
The use of a great delay expands your soundscape and helps you as a musician tell your story. In this episode I go through the four primary delay types to provide some core knowledge that might help you find the delay that fits your needs best. Please support my work by becoming a Patron on Patreon. Your small monthly donation makes a big difference to me.

Ep 137 : Should Your Next Guitar Be a Baritone?
As guitarists we are (most of us) always happy to spend time in a real guitar shop, looking around, and perhaps having a play on a guitar that strikes our fancy. Yet, when I ask players who have decided to own multiple guitars, I rarely hear of a baritone guitar. Twelve different Strats, for sure, or a number of different six string acoustics. Maybe the odd mandolin, or a 12 string, but baritones are rarer. Why is that? In this episode, let’s spend some time on the subject of the wonderful baritone guitar.

Ep 136 : Why A Short Scale Bass May Be Right For You
I have to admit that I get tired of the endless spew of BS that I hear thrown around at high velocity by people with strong opinions who are also unemcumbered by facts. Asking the right questions will result in a buyer getting the best instrument for his or her needs, but not asking the right questions can result in a customer who ends up not playing. This time, I want to provide a bit of insight into what might make a short scale electric bass the best choice for you. If you like what I do here, please become a patron on Patreon.

Ep 135 : The China Syndrome
Welcome! In this episode I talk about what I call the China Syndrome, the widely found delusion that guitars made in China or other parts of Asia are inherently garbage. Please support the channel by becoming a Patreon member.

Ep 134 : Modellers and Profilers
Hello folks. In this episode, I am joined by Will Bertram and we discuss the viability of modellers and profilers as amplifier and cabinet alternatives and when using them as such makes sense.

Ep 133 : DAW Plugins
Welcome! In this episode we close out our recent home recording series with the topic of plugins to be used in your DAW. There are myriad different plugin deliverables and tons of options. So I try to clarify things to make your recording and production lives easier and also save you money. Please become a supporter on Patreon. Your small monthly donation makes a big difference here.

Ep 132 : Studio Monitors and Headphones
We continue the series on equipment and tools for home recording. In this episode I discuss studio monitors and headphones for studio use. If you like what I do, please become a sponsor of the channel on Patreon.

Ep 131 : Your First Microphones
Hello everyone. This is the third episode in our series on recording your yourself or your band. This time we dive into microphones, where to start and what are good options. Please support the channel by becoming a donor on Patreon. Your support makes a serious difference.

Ep 130 : Your First Recording Interface
Greetings! In this episode I cover the next piece in the home / band recording pantheon, that of the interface between your instruments and microphones and the computer. I’m keeping the price options low, because the options are great and so is the quality.

Ep 129 : Consider UA LUNA as your DAW
In this episode, I propose consideration of Universal Audio’s LUNA as your Digital Audio Workstation. When there are so many good ones, why LUNA? Have a listen and you might be convinced to give it a try.

Ep : 128 Playing Live - An Interview with Drake Metcalf
Hello listeners. In this episode, I am joined by Drake Metcalf, a fine young gentleman who is both a working musician and sales professional with Cosmo Music in Richmond Hill, Ontario. We talk about the value proposition of playing your instrument live with other musicians, in a jam, in a band or at a gig. Please support the channel by becoming a supporter on Patreon

Ep 127 : Buying an Acoustic Guitar with guest Mark Collins
.This episode, I am joined by my friend Mark Collins and we discuss the considerations in choosing your next acoustic guitar. The guidance is oriented for folks starting out, but is applicable to players at all levels.

Ep 126 : You Don’t Have to Play All The Notes….
This episode is a thought exercise. I’ve been exposed to incredibly fast players who leave me tired, and more emotive players who use the space between the notes for magic. Please have a listen and see if you align to this idea. Please do sign up to support the channel on Patreon. Your monthly donation makes a big difference here.

Ep 125 : AI Music?
Hey listeners. This episode is a bit of a rant, so fair warning. The statement that one can use AI to make useful music is a lie. Real music is created by humans, not by machines copying the work of humans. You make your own decision whether to agree or disagree. But do have a listen. Please consider becoming a supporter on Patreon.

Ep 124 : A Guitar Shopping Story
This past weekend, I had the pleasure to help a young player and his parents purchase his next guitar. it was a great experience for me, and the young man was very happy as well. Have a listen to the story. If you are currently not supporting the channel on Patreon, please consider doing so by clicking this link. Your monthly donation makes a big difference here. Thank you to all our current Patreon members.

Ep 123 : Does String Gauge Matter?
This is a very common question that I get. The answer is yes. Or no. Listen to the episode to find out why. If you are currently not supporting the channel on Patreon, please consider doing so by clicking this link. Your monthly donation makes a big difference here. Thank you to all our current Patreon members.