Sometimes a story or an idea is best vocalized

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Ep 159 : Oil Can Delays
Gear Ross Chevalier Gear Ross Chevalier

Ep 159 : Oil Can Delays

We take a short trip into the somewhat esoteric world of the oil can delay. They sound awesome and current products deliver the sound without the oil leaks

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Ep 97 : Computer Based Amplifiers
Gear Ross Chevalier Gear Ross Chevalier

Ep 97 : Computer Based Amplifiers

In this episode I look at amps that exist in your computer, that sound like the real thing, that you can play back through monitors or through headphones and also use for silent recording. This may be the least expensive amplifier that you encounter.

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Ep 76 : Getting Your Fuzz On
Podcast, Gear Ross Chevalier Podcast, Gear Ross Chevalier

Ep 76 : Getting Your Fuzz On

In this episode, I am joined by friend Fraser Moore to discuss what fuzz is, what to consider, and some thoughts on pedals to get started in fuzz. Or add to your existing fuzz pedals, because players do that.

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Ep 67 : Exploring Pickup Design
Gear, Podcast Ross Chevalier Gear, Podcast Ross Chevalier

Ep 67 : Exploring Pickup Design

On this episode I dive into the different materials used in pickup construction. We also discuss different coil sizes, wiring and how a single coil can be made noiseless. If you want to learn the difference between metal and ceramic magnets, what if anything makes a gold foil different and why the sudden boost in CuNiFe, this is where you will hear it.

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Ep 61 : Why an Attenuator
Podcast, Gear Ross Chevalier Podcast, Gear Ross Chevalier

Ep 61 : Why an Attenuator

You’ve probably heard the term attenuation before. It means a reduction in signal strength and many of us first encountered the concept in condenser and ribbon based microphones as a means to prevent the signal from the microphone from overdriving the preamp in a recording desk or a mixer. In this episode we’re going to look at modern attenuators for physical amplifiers.

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Ep 53 : Are Coated Strings Worth the Money?
Gear, Podcast Ross Chevalier Gear, Podcast Ross Chevalier

Ep 53 : Are Coated Strings Worth the Money?

There are probably more options in guitar string vendors today than ever before. In addition to many names available for years such as D’Addario and Ernie Ball from America and Thomastik-Infeld and Rotosound from the UK and Europe, we are also seeing more independent string makers such as Curt Mangan and Stringjoy. In addition to the number of brand choices, in many brands we are now seeing the option for regular (uncoated) strings and coated strings. Are the more expensive coated strings worth the higher price?

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