Sometimes a story or an idea is best vocalized
This podcast is available for download here, and is also on iTunes, Amazon Music, Spotify and Google Podcasts
Ep 87 : Load Balancing Attenuators
Hello folks, in this episode we talk about attenuators, with specific emphasis on load balancing attenuators to reduce the overall volume of your tube amplifier without compromising its sound.
Ep 85 : Recording Your Own Songs
Hey listeners. In this episode I sit down with recordist and producer Dylan Barros to talk about his thoughts on what is required for consideration when getting going to make recordings of your own music and songs at home.
Ep 84 : A Conversation with James Ridings from Sweetwater
Hey folks, in this episode, I spend some time talking about guitars, music, recording and related stuff with my friend James Ridings who is a Sales Engineer with Sweetwater Music in Fort Wayne Indiana. It’s good fun.
Ep 83 : The Klone Wars
In this episode and with apologies to George Lucas, I look ar a small set of pedals said to sound like infamous Klon Centaur and provide a brief history and why current prices for original Klons are at a galactic level.
Ep 82 : Success with Electric Bass
In this episode, I am joined by professional bassist Manny DeGrandis to discuss all things bass
Ep 81 : You May Be Working Too Hard
Hey gang. In this episode I want to talk about string gauge and what difference, if any to the overall tone of your guitar. Personal preference of feel is a different thing, but there’s a lot of misunderstanding and complete nonsense related to string gauge.
Ep 80 : Why We Play
Hey listeners. This time, I am joined again by Cody Shaw and we talk about the reasons why we, meaning musicians, continue to play whatever we play. I hope that you enjoy the episode, please leave a comment and if you have questions or suggestions for future episodes, please send an email via the link provided. Until next time, peace.
Ep 79 : Choosing a Bedroom Amp
In this episode, I want to look into what goes into choosing a bedroom amplifier
Ep 77 : Acoustic Guitar Live Performance Best Practices
Hey listeners. This time I am joined by professional musician Ryan Ainsworth and we talk about playing with friends, jamming, and playing live gigs when your instrument is an acoustic guitar.
Ep 76 : Getting Your Fuzz On
In this episode, I am joined by friend Fraser Moore to discuss what fuzz is, what to consider, and some thoughts on pedals to get started in fuzz. Or add to your existing fuzz pedals, because players do that.
Ep 75 : Perspectives of a Young Professional
In this episode, I chat with young professional guitarist Kia Persad to get her perspectives on entering a career in music, gear and helping out new musicians.
Ep 74 : All About Playing Metal Genres
In this episode, Ross is joined by friend Cody to take us through the different genres of metal, selecting a guitar, amplifier and appropriate effects, along with lots of practical insights.
Ep 73 : Why You May Need a Noise Gate
Hi gang. In this episode I want to explore the utility and value proposition of one of the unsexy but really beneficial pedals, known as the noise gate.
Ep 72 : Picking an Amp for Acoustic Guitar
In this episode, I share my experience evaluating acoustic guitar and acoustic bass amplifiers selling for under $1,000 as requested by my friend David who wants to replace his existing Fishman Loudbox Mini that he really does not like.
Ep 71 : Challenges Writing My Own Music
Hey listeners! In this shorter than usual episode, I share some of the challenges that I find in writing my own music, along with a couple of ideas on making it my own. Don’t look here for ideas on lyrics though, that’s a place foreign to me.
Ep 70 : The Excitement of P90 Pickups
In this episode, I look at the history and build options in P90 picks that are in one of their peaking popularity cycles.
Ep 69 : Acoustic Pedals to Salvage Your Tone
In this episode, I explain why you probably aren’t impressed by the sound of your acoustic electric instrument and share three pedals to give your amplified or DI sound back what is missing.
Ep 68 : The Fascinating World of Picks
In this episode, inspired by listener David, I explore the evolution, materials and construction of picks or plectrums. There’s a lot more there than most people think
Ep 67 : Exploring Pickup Design
On this episode I dive into the different materials used in pickup construction. We also discuss different coil sizes, wiring and how a single coil can be made noiseless. If you want to learn the difference between metal and ceramic magnets, what if anything makes a gold foil different and why the sudden boost in CuNiFe, this is where you will hear it.
Ep 66 : Studio Monitor Speakers and Studio Headphones
Hi folks, in this third episode in our home recording series I discuss best practices and solution for studio monitor speakers and studio headphones. Dive in to learn more!