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Review : The Taylor T5z as an Electric Guitar
The Taylor T5z is something vey different. It’s designed and built by one of the finest acoustic guitar makers in the world, but it’s designed to be plugged into an amplifier. I’ve played lots of guitars and haven’t encountered anything quite like it.

My Choice for an Acoustic-Electric or Electric-Acoustic
The Emerald Guitars Virtuo is the far and away winner in my quest for an acoustic electric that really performs, sounds amazing, plays beautifully and will stand up to all manner of real world playing.

Update : More on the Guitar Quandary
There was good feedback and requests for updates on my review of the Taylor T5z. Folks wanted to know if the gloss finish model was different. I received for a short time a Taylor T5z DLX, so I wanted to provide a quick update on my findings using the new model.

A Guitar Quandary
As far as I am concerned the Taylor T5z is the best sounding and best playing of all the electric acoustic instruments in the market. Read on to learn why I think so.

Playoff - Taylor T5Z Pro vs Fender Acoustasonic Telecaster Cocobolo
Fight! Comparing two similar yet quite different electric acoustic hybrid instruments