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Getting the Best Possible Sound from a Piezo Electric Pickup
Most acoustic guitars that come with built in pickups, use piezo-electric technology for the pickups. While one may find that he or she likes or dislikes piezos, the real requirement is to get the best possible sound out of your piezo equipped guitar.
Piezo pickups are most often found in acoustic guitars, but also appear in acoustic basses, in mandolins with internal pickups and even more esoteric instruments.

Review : Epiphone Hummingbird 12 String
In this review I take a dive into the Epiphone “Inspired by Gibson” Hummingbird 12 string

A Quick Look at Source Audio
There are lots of pedal makers. This time, I want to look at my favourite pedals from the good people at Source Audio

Tech21 Acoustic Fly Rig
Playing your acoustic guitar live with amplification or recording in the studio does not have to be super expensive, nor should it involve carting around a bunch of kit. Read on to learn how the TECH21 Acoustic Fly Rig might be precisely what is missing from your set up