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Review : Headrush FRFR Go
Gear, Reviews, Recommended Ross Chevalier Gear, Reviews, Recommended Ross Chevalier

Review : Headrush FRFR Go

A few weeks back, I did a podcast episode talking about the lack of small, lower output FRFR speaker systems. At the time, the only one that I could find with some level of availability was the Headrush FRFR Go. At the time, I could only refer to the marketing material because I had never even seen one in the real world. A recent transaction that resulted in a returnable item provided the funding to buy one, and where I am, they are rather scarce, so I found one and bought it.

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Review : Sire Larry Carlton J3 - A Jazzmaster by an alternate name
gear, Electric Guitar Ross Chevalier gear, Electric Guitar Ross Chevalier

Review : Sire Larry Carlton J3 - A Jazzmaster by an alternate name

Welcome folks. In this review, made possible by the great people at The Arts Music Store, I have a brand new Sire Larry Carlton J3. The J3 is an offset electric guitar that from a short distance looks a LOT like a Jazzmaster once you get past the logo and the differently shaped headstock. As a big fan of offsets and Jazzmasters as well as custom alternatives like the awesome Suhr JM, let’s see what we discover with this new Sire.

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Review : PRS SE Custom 24 with Piezo
Gear, Electric Guitar, Reviews, Recommended Ross Chevalier Gear, Electric Guitar, Reviews, Recommended Ross Chevalier

Review : PRS SE Custom 24 with Piezo

Given my expressed love for piezo pickups, you might be inclined to expect harsh words out of the gate with this guitar. Not this time. With a PRS/LR Baggs piezo in the bridge and two PRS 58/15S pickups in a semi-hollow body, this is the best SE guitar that I have ever played, which is saying a lot considering how superb the SE family has been over the last few years.

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