Quick Update - UAFX Sale
Hey folks. I don’t know how long this sale has been on or how long it will last. I received a flyer from Long & McQuade here in Canada and buried in there were some UA FX pedals at a very significant reduction. They are all in the UA basic line which has a MAP of $239 CAD and the ones listed below are on sale for $139 CAD. I really like the UA FX products, but many people find them too pricey. If that’s you, now is a good time if you are so inclined. Here’s the list of what L&M has on sale in this space right now. All priced at $139 CAD
Orion Tape Echo Pedal - the digital implementation of the Maestro Echoplex III taken from the Starlight Delay Pedal
UA 1176 Compressor Pedal - an 1176LN in a pedal format. My favourite sounding compressor for guitar, taken from the Max compressor. Also awesome for bass
Teletroniz LA-2A Optical Compressor Pedal - the digital implementation of the renowned studio rack compressor, taken from the Max compressor
Heavenly Plate Reverb Pedal - a digital implementation of late 1950s plate reverb. Think the EMT plate from Abbey Road studio
Brigade Chorus and Vibrato Pedal - a digital representation of an original BOSS CE-1 chorus that is rich and flexible. You know, the big one
Flow Vintage Tremelo Pedal - a digital implementation of three vintage tube tremolos. Think the optical tremolo in old Fender black face amps
Three of their new amps in a pedal are also on sale, the Knuckles ‘92 Rev F Dual Rec Amp, the Anti 1992 High Gain Amp and the Enigmatic ‘82 Overdrive Special Amp. I own both the Knuckles and the Enigmatic and they are fabulous amps. $70 off the regular MAP so on sale for $499 CAD.
Later folks!