Sometimes a story or an idea is best vocalized
This podcast is available for download here, and is also on iTunes, Amazon Music, Spotify and Google Podcasts

Ep 149 : The Value of a Looper
The Looper pedal is one of the most useful tools to a guitarist or bassist. When one is practicing alone or writing a song, the ability to construct passages or solos over a backing sound is very powerful and very important. While powerful backing tracks are available on the Internet, some free, some at cost, a looper doesn’t require that there be any gear involved other than you, your instrument, your looper and your ability to hear yourself, either through an amp or some device that feeds your sound to a pair of headphones.

Ep 57 : Why A Looper Makes Sense
Hello folks. In this short episode I discuss why having a looper makes sense for any guitarist or bassist as a practice tool and even as a songwriting tool.