Sometimes a story or an idea is best vocalized

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Ep 158 : Using a Profiler for all my Sample Tones
Podcast Ross Chevalier Podcast Ross Chevalier

Ep 158 : Using a Profiler for all my Sample Tones

Hey folks. In this episode I explain why the sample tones in my reviews are only going to be made using one of my two favourite profiler units. No, I’m not getting rid of my amps, but limited time and no compromise in tone has made this decision easy. Have a listen to learn why this works.

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Episode 29 : Neural Quad Cortex
Podcast Ross Chevalier Podcast Ross Chevalier

Episode 29 : Neural Quad Cortex

I’ve talked about all digital alternatives to traditional amplifiers and speakers in a number of episodes. This time, I am going to focus on just one, the Neural Quad Cortex. This does not mean that others are not viable, it simply means that I am talking about this one. I own others and they run from fine to excellent, but I find myself gravitating to the Quad Cortex more and more, so I have been thinking about why, and if I could only recommend one, why it would likely be the Quad Cortex.

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