Rebuilding the Site

Caution strong language to follow…

When I returned to making content for this site, I did so because I wanted to give back to the guitar and related kit community. I’m not getting paid for it and for sure it’s because I want to do it. I am not sponsored by anyone, and what stuff I do review, I either buy with my own money, or get to try for a short time because of great friends in the music industry.

I was working on an article today, the first one ever with audio clips. After saving the draft, I got an email from Wordpress that something had gone wrong. This was the third day in a row that Wordpress had started sending me alerts, first about PHP and then some other nonsense and finally this one. Imagine my horror to find that I could not login to the site at all and when I tried to connect to it as a viewer, it was gone.

My hosting provider is Netfirms. They take my money and for the most part are invisible. I chose Wordpress because it was included in my plan. I have another Wordpress site, also now gone for the same reason. I had issues with Wordpress before and moved the site that was on it to Squarespace. That migration was very smooth. This time, there was apparently nothing to migrate.

Fortunately, for me, I prefer using Red Sweater Software’s MarsEDIT for post creation. It is brilliant, but cannot work with Squarespace. I have most of the words in MarsEDIT but none of the images, so I am SLOWLY copying and pasting the text and with some time will go back and put images into the reposts as I am able.

This is definitely going to fark things up around here. I’m not exactly sitting around with my feet up eating candy. Apologies to regular viewers for the delay in getting stuff fixed.

I fucking hate Wordpress. I should have known better that to use it again.

Ross Chevalier
Technologist, photographer, videographer, general pest

One of my favourite effects - Rotary (Leslie)