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Review : PRS S2 Vela Semi Hollow Satin
In this review, I take a deep dive into another of the PRS S2 family, this time the S2 Vela Semi Hollow Satin.

Review : PRS SE Custom 24 with Piezo
Given my expressed love for piezo pickups, you might be inclined to expect harsh words out of the gate with this guitar. Not this time. With a PRS/LR Baggs piezo in the bridge and two PRS 58/15S pickups in a semi-hollow body, this is the best SE guitar that I have ever played, which is saying a lot considering how superb the SE family has been over the last few years.

Review : PRS Mary Cries Compressor
Recently, Paul Reed Smith announced their first guitar pedals. This time, I am looking at my recently purchased PRS Mary Cries Compressor. I bought it sight unseen and unplayed, partly because I have never been really let down by a PRS product and partly following seeing Paul on The Pedal Show.