Announcement : Emerald Guitars Ambassador

I’m very excited to announce that I have been invited to be an Ambassador for Emerald Guitars.

If you read my review of my Emerald Synergy X20 Harp Guitar, you probably understand why I am pleased to be part of this program. In my opinion, Emerald Guitars are building unique instruments of impeccable quality, reliability and tone.

Emerald Guitars was founded by Alistair Hay who brings his expertise in building carbon fibre racing boats to deliver high quality carbon fibre guitars, basses and other instruments. As I noted in my review, not all carbon fibre is created equally and the Emerald Guitars process delivers professional grade musical instruments that will not only stand up for decades, but will sound superb over their lifetime.

This July 2023, is the 25th Anniversary of Emerald Guitars and you can see the full range of instruments at the company website. I personally own three Emerald Guitars, that I paid for myself. I received no compensation to become an Ambassador and in the event that you purchase an Emerald Guitar after seeing one with me, then I can earn a small commission. From that perspective, you can call this an affiliate program. I do not sell the instruments, that is between you and the company. Because Emerald Guitars only sells directly, you will not see a new Emerald Guitar in any guitar shop. This business model is right for them, and ultimately for you because it contains distribution and dealer costs. However, people often want to see and briefly try an instrument before purchasing and that is what the Ambassador program is built for.

I don’t have one of every model, and don’t expect to. What you will be able to check out, by appointment, is one of the guitars that I do own and see the quality of construction, hear the tone and witness the high quality components.

I’m not taking any money out of the pockets of your preferred shop, because they don’t sell Emerald Guitars. I’ve decided to make it easier for an enthusiast to see and hear one live before buying, if you are willing to meet me in my area.

Emerald Guitars are widely respected. The company built Bahamut on commission for Wang Leehom, a Chinese music star. Alistair Hay also built the Ultra specifically for acclaimed guitarist Steve Vai.

For those who want to learn more about Emerald Guitars, see their factory and their process, the video by YouTuber KDH is an excellent introduction.

As I don’t expect to be in Donegal Ireland in the foreseeable future, I find this video to be an excellent introduction.

My membership in the program is new and as of this writing, I am not on the Ambassador map as yet. If you are interested in learning more about an Emerald Guitar and wish to make an appointment to see one in person, please contact me at I am located in the Newmarket Ontario Canada area, and will be happy to arrange an appointment if you are willing to come to the area to meet.

In the interim, please invest some time here to learn about the lineup of what are in my opinion, unique and wonderful instruments!

Ross Chevalier
Technologist, photographer, videographer, general pest

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